Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pretty Yo Yo Pillow

Inspiration is a funny thing. Sometimes it can be hard to trace, but this one I remember. I was reading a blog about Christmas decorations and it made me so excited for fall and Christmas so I was googling other decorations and I came across some yo yos made with Christmas fabric. Maybe everyone else knows what yo yos are, but I didn't. So a little more googling and I learned how to make them and then I thought how cute they would be to make a throw pillow for my bedroom! So here is my craft project! I don't have a step by step tutorial, but I do have a few tips if you want to attempt it on your own.

1. I learned how to make yo yos by following these instructions.

2. I used felt for my pillow case.

3. I bought an old pillow from a thrift shop, because it was much cheaper than a pillow form (only $1)

4. I used a 4" circle for my yo yos and I made as many as I could with a 1/4 yard of each color of fabric. Then I played with different arrangements on my pillows.

5. I sewed the yo yos together before attaching them onto the pillow case.

6. I sewed my pillow case together before attaching the yo yos. It made it super hard/impossible to sew them on, so I used hot glue instead. Kinda bummed about that.

7. One of my pillows wasn't a pillow form, but stuffed with fistfuls of crappy polyfill, so once I took the cover off of it, it wasn't really useable. So I don't have a picture of that pillow yet. I'm going to have to figure something out for that one because its not a traditional size.

Here is the before picture of my pillow from the thrift store:

And this is my after picture! I love this pillow SO much! Hopefully my lame photography skills convey just how cute it really turned out.
What have you been inspired by lately?

1 comment:

  1. This pillow is amazing! I love it... I see my next DIY pillow in the making!

    Tiffany {Living Savvy}


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